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Title 9


The Webb City School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities, including employment and admissions, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). While all forms of sex-based discrimination are prohibited by the district, the information and links on this page focus exclusively on sexual harassment as defined in Title IX that occurs within the education programs and activities of the district.

The district encourages all students, staff, patrons, and others to report sex-based discrimination under Title IX to the Title IX Coordinator. The district further encourages reporting if it is unclear whether Title IX is implicated, as the district prohibits all forms of sex-based discrimination. For additional information regarding the district’s commitment to enforcing Title IX, please reference the following links.


Board Policy 1301


Sexual harassment as protected by law is prohibited in this District. The District also prohibits retaliation against a person who files a complaint of sexual harassment or who participates in an investigation of allegations of sexual harassment under this Regulation.

This Policy governs the District's compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The following person is designated and authorized as the District's Title IX Coordinator, with the responsibility to identify, prevent, and remedy unlawful harassment and retaliation under Title IX in the District:

The district’s Title IX Coordinator is:
Dr. Allison Pope

Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services
411 North Madison Street

Webb City, MO  64870

Phone: 417-673-6000/ Fax: 417-673-6007


A complaint regarding sexual harassment or related retaliation of a student or employee under Title IX and that is alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020, should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1301. A complaint by students, employees, parents, and patrons of the District alleging harassment, discrimination, or related retaliation based on a protected classification under the laws identified above (outside of Title IX) should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1300. A complaint regarding the identification, evaluation, educational program, or placement of a child with a disability under Section 504 should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 2110.

Complaint forms are available in individual school buildings.