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School Meal Online Payments

Webb City R7 School District offers parents a way to make payments to their student accounts online by using myschoolbucks. 
To get started, click on the link below, create your own username and password by clicking register for a free account and following the step by step instructions. Once your account is set up you can add all your students with their personal student ID number. This ID is the same as you use to access grades through powerschool and usually starts with your student's graduation year and is 6 digits long. If you do not have this ID you can ask the school secretary or request it through the program. Online payments made before 10:30 am are updated to the Serving Lines at 10:30 daily. There is a convenience fee for each completed transaction. All major credit/debit cards are accepted and bank withdraws. All payments are usually immediate with the exception of bank withdraws that can take up to 3 days. You can make payments for all students in one transaction. For any further assistance please contact the Food Service Director.

MySchoolBucks website link