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Staff Grants


We are excited to announce that the WCR7 Schools Foundation's 2021 Staff Grant cycle is OPEN. The purpose of this program is to enhance the learning of all students by awarding monetary grants to staff who develop innovative projects that seek to engage and motivate students to be active participants in their learning. 

Grants can be for amounts up to $1,100 each, and we will be awarding up to a total of $10,000 in total grants this grant cycle!

The deadline for grant application submissions is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31st, 2022, and should be completed online on the google doc with appropriate attachments included before this deadline. This is the link to the application: 


To support our students, we must first empower their educators.  Through grants and other initiatives, our Foundation provides the tools teachers need to transform lives.  Since 2015, the Webb City R7 Schools Foundation has awarded 60 grants and nearly $45,000 to staff members through our Staff Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to enhance the learning of WCR7 students by awarding monetary grants to staff who develop innovative projects that seek to engage and motivate students to be active participants in their learning. Teachers and school administrators can apply for project funding that benefits individual classrooms or their entire school.

Examples of past grant recipients include:

  • Collaborative Learning with Marker Board Tables in multiple buildings
  • Tech Buffet: Robots, Drones, and Coding at WC Junior High School
  • Multi-Sensory Therapy Room at WC Middle School
  • Lyrics2Learn: K-4 Reading Program
  • 3D Printer for Art: WC High School


Jill Short, Title I Instructional Coach Harry S Truman

Success Story:

How do you prepare students for their future, especially when the future involves technology that changes so much every year?  How do you prepare students for jobs that haven’t even been created yet?  Where do costly materials come from when your individual purchasing budget won’t even cover one item?  

The Webb City Schools R-7 Schools Foundation has helped address these concerns by offering grants opportunities to our teachers in this district. Our school has been lucky to receive funding that is helping students to become problem solvers, critical thinkers, better communicators through collaboration, all while being creative and engaged in their learning.

With funding from the Foundation, we have been able to purchase materials for a STEM lab for a variety of engineering challenges.  For example, using an engineering design process, fourth-grade students have been able to build roller coaster structures and zip lines from a variety of materials, while studying about force, kinetic and potential energy, momentum, and acceleration.  Students were able to record their structures in slow motion - allowing for better opportunities to evaluate momentum/stability and make necessary improvements.

But what about future jobs and changing technologies?  Our faculty was told by author Adam Welcome (Kids Deserve It) the most important thing we can do to prepare our students for the future is to introduce them to Coding.  Thanks to Foundation and District funding, we have been able to introduce all of our students to different types of coding on a variety of robotic and tablet devices and our students are better prepared for what lies ahead.