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Message from the Board



We, the members of the Board of Education, thank you for your support of the Webb City R-VII School District. Your longstanding financial and active personal support of our schools has enabled us all to enjoy the benefits that a first-class school district provides to its community.

Our young students from preschool, elementary school, middle school, and on to high school perform well academically. Students participate in sports, drama, music, art, JROTC, and various clubs and have an elevated level of success because of the community’s support. In turn, we all enjoy their academic performance, games, meets, and shows. When our graduates gather at Cardinal Stadium to receive their diplomas and move on to exciting and fulfilling lives, they have you, the community of the Webb City R-VII School District, to thank. 

Our students benefit from hands-on, innovative technology and differentiated instruction. The administration and faculty work diligently on curriculum, coupled with the staff (paraprofessionals, custodial, bus drivers, and kitchen) help, who encourage students' every day to keep them engaged and interested in all activities. 

We are huge advocates of education and Webb City Schools--and are proud our district can offer such high-quality programs that instill a deep dedication in our students for lifelong learning. 

The Board of Education is committed to delivering the best possible education to every student in our community. On behalf of the Board of Education, the students, and the entire staff of Webb City R-VII School District, thank you for your continued support of our outstanding district.

You can contact the board of education members by contacting the Administration at Central Office (417) 673-6000.